027 578 1871


Glenn Conroy 
027 578 1871

What's the problem?

Providing a wide range of professional services aimed at eliminating annoying and frustrating home technology issues, so you can get on with doing the things you enjoy

Need Help with home technology

What am I doing wrong?

I don't think I fully understand this application or how to use my computer or device. I feel it should be easier than this. If only there was someone patient and understanding enough to show me the right way . . .

Staying in touch with everyone

Need Help with smart phones and tablets

Everyday we become more dependent on technology. So many options and so much to learn if you haven't grown up with it. Let's make sure you have the right device for your needs, and show you the easiest ways to achieve what you want . . .

Need Help with computers

My computer is painfully slow

Computing devices will become sluggish and unreliable over time. Life's too short to have to wait around for your laptop or desktop system to start up. We do everything technically possible to extend the useful working life of your machine, and to keep you safe online . . .

I don't speak geek!

Need Help with wifi and the internet

I'm not sure if my internet service provider (ISP) is right for me. My experience in trying to deal with a telco has not been a happy one. If I need a new modem or router, who will install it for me? Will the wifi work everywhere I need it? . . .

Need Help with printers

I just want to print the recipe

"My printer used to work and I could even scan documents, but then something changed and now i just can't seem to do anything." If you want to be able to print wirelessly, print from a Mac, PC tablet or phone, getting the settings right can be a minefield . . .

What is a smart TV and do I need one?

Need Help with home entertainment

The picture quality of my old TV is great but I can't get Netflix or other streaming services. Should I get a new TV? If so what brand is best? Can I trust the advice of a retailer who will want to upsell me things that I don't know I need? . . .

Need Help with other stuff

Can you help me with this?

Family and friends with technical skills aren't always willing and able to help when I need them. If only there was someone who didn't mind doing those odd jobs that are too small to bother a contractor with. Assembly of flatpack furniture for example . . .

Take charge of your technology

Need Help here for you

Home technology is great but you need to be in control! Struggling with annoying issues is a frustrating waste of time. Our aim is to help you to master your home technology in ways that are easy to understand and cost effective . . .

Supported by world-leading brands

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